Friday, August 23, 2013

Friday nite fun for Daddy and the little girls watching Don Knotts on the movie "Reluctant Astronaut" lots of laughs and Moose Tracks ice cream! Life is Good!

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Friday, 23 August 2013

  • Just needed some Quiet time

    Wow, Its been such a long time since I have blogged on here or even had the bRAin to blog with!  My life has been going as fast as a rollercoaster lately and yes with as many ups and downs!   So today, I just knew I had to clear my head, and in order to do that, I had to go away for a while.  Reluctantly I did go into town. You know it just felt good to drive and I had Christian radio turned up, trying to soothe my soul, but I still felt anxious until I made it to the Christian bookstore.  I walked around a long time it seemed looking at cards and gifty things.  I have been my daughters secret sister this year and I needed one last gift to reveal myself before she leaves next week for her mission training.  I found the neatest gifts and the perfect card to give her, and my heart began to finially settle down. heart  Then the older lady came to ring up my order and we began talking. I ended up telling her about Leah leaving and how anxious I was, and really she didn't have any big words of wisdom for me but her kindness and listening ear was a balm for my soul. I left the store telling her I would be back and I would let her know how things were going.   As I made it back to the van I was starting to tear up when I realized how that God had met my need thru someone who wasn't even already a friend. The song was playing You are Holy, Holy, Holy. God is so good to me!!!!

    This is the most recent pic of the girls, Most of you know Leah my oldest, shes the one in the navy flower shirt.  Only a few days until we leave to take her to Ohio for her 3 month training for missions, then she will Leave in Dec. to go to Greece and will be there for 6 months.   Things sure are going to be different around home with her being away

    As for what else is going on, we are starting back in homeschool routine once we get back from our trip. Most schools around here have started but I just cant get myself into much until this task is done.   MY homeschool philosophy is that they are learning everyday anyway!  We do have an awesome apologia science curriculum that I'm doing with my 6 yr old and 10 yr old, which we did peek into a little bit already! I think we are going to love it! Zoology 3And my 10th grader is going to be using the same company to do a biology co-op
    BiologySo I think it will all be good!
    I had a book party earlier this week with a company called
    it was such a fun party! Even my two year old was able to get involved! I ended up with a lot of free books and a lot of halfpriced books I purchased. It really was a homeschoolers dream party!
    Books were everywhere! We played a scavenger hunt with the book titles, that's why everyone was up looking around.

    and I will leave you with that, Please keep our family in prayer these next few days for traveling and such. AND for this mama and daddy's emotions dropping off their firstborn to missions! I have to remind myself that this is what I prayed for many years ago winky    Have a great weekend!    ~Jill